Mr Abshears Geometry Page

Please have your child do the following to make up missing work This work is in the workbook

and the pages can be torn and handed in. Chap 1-5 to 2-6 may also be printed out from this page if

you do not have the workbook. Each problem completed is worth one point. I will grade the work. I will

fill in missing assignments with the number of points earned until the points earn run out.

Sections 9-1 to 9-4 this will make up missing work in Chapter 9

Sections 1-1 to 1-4 this will make up missing work in Chapter 1 up to section 1-4

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 1-5 HW makeup

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 1-6 HW makeup

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 2-2 HW makeup

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 2-3 HW makeup

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 2-5 HW makeup

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 2-6 HW makeup

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 3-2 HW makeup

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 3-3 HW makeup

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 3-4 HW makeup

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 3-5 HW makeup

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 3-6 HW makeup

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 3-7 HW makeup

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 3-8 HW makeup

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 4-1 HW makeup

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 4-2 HW makeup

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 4-3 HW makeup

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 4-4 HW makeup

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 4-5 HW makeup

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 4-6 HW makeup

Makeup Assignment for missing Classwork/Exit/Warmups this is Chap 4-7 HW makeup